Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Getting Organized...

Alright. Its the dawn of a new day.

Life has changed a lot in the past few months. I am sitting here taking stock of what has happened and where I am going and its really eye opening. I started last year in August by embarking on a weight loss program called Naturally Slim. It helped me lose 60 lbs by November. I have been keeping my weight relatively the same since then, but in the past month I have been up 5 lbs. Fortunately, my company sponsored the program and now is sponsoring the advanced version of the program to former participants, and I will receive news of whether I am going to be able to participate in this program in the next week or two. That will be a great kick in my butt to get things moving in the right direction again (I just need to say no to sugars...).

My exercise routine was fairly regular - I was running a lot, doing some weight lifting, and logging at least 6 hours a week. Then, I get an ovarian cyst that burst, caused me a lot of pain and was told to rest... three days before my first 10K. Granted, I had already run my first 5K (and in 28 mins, thank you very much), but I was going to do the 10K on Saturday and a fun 5K on Sunday and I was very much looking forward to the challenge (and I was trained for it!!). Yet, I was forced to slow down. Now, its been very hard getting back on the wagon, both with the exercise and eating. So - time to organize my life a little.

In November, I met Eric. On December 9, I made the decision that I wanted him to be a significant part of my life, despite the socially defined factors against us - age difference, he has kids (3), I am used to a more flexible social life, we are from very different backgrounds, etc... And very shortly, I will be giving in my notice to my leasing office terminating the lease I have with my roommate and moving in with my new family. Eric and I have a million fun and exciting things planned to do together and with the kids. We try to fit in time for friends, family, ourselves and each other. Life is getting really busy, really fast! And I am loving every moment of it!

Now, the confusing thing to me is that the Naturally Slim program promotes eating less throughout the day, and the workout websites, like, give nutrition plans that include eating little meals throughout the day at marked intervals (6x per day). If I am to take up a more active lifestyle with weight lifting and HIIT training, I am wondering how this is going to affect my hunger, and whether I will have to shift to eating three times a day instead of two. First of all, I would like to get on a regular exercise regimen so that I can start to analyze the effect, and see if adding better proteins into my diet improves the results of my training. I am going to start by rescheduling the workout sessions for the AM hours instead of after work.

Let the games begin...

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